HHKB Modification - Go Wireless!
I have been listening to many people talking about the various benefits of mechanical keyboards for long time. Thus, it shouldn’t be a surprise when purchasi...
I have been listening to many people talking about the various benefits of mechanical keyboards for long time. Thus, it shouldn’t be a surprise when purchasi...
Since GitHub Pages are static websites which serve the contents “statically” instead of dynamically generating the pages from some data sources, we have to r...
因为 GitHub Pages 生成的是静态网站,所以像评论这样的功能需要靠第三方来完成(…据说是这样的)。这里用到的是Disqus。之所以选择 Disqus,大概是因为我比较孤陋寡闻,所以当时决定要加入评论功能的时候,想到的惟一的平台就是它 orz。
Direction: Copy the shareable link you obtain from Dropbox and paste it to “Original Link,” click “Convert,” then you can find the link to the actual image u...
食用方法:在【原链接】处粘上从 Dropbox 处获得的分享链接,然后点击【转换】,便可以在【新链接】处获取可以直接当作外链的图片链接啦 ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_。这里有初级和高级两个版本,其中初级就像上面所描述的一样,是一个简单的链接转换器。高级的功能和初级基本相同,唯一的差别是多了一个输入【描述】的选择,输出的格式...
It has been another year (or two) since the last time I wrote a blog post. Yet considering the last post I wrote is some kind of a memoir, it has probably be...
如题。 2015 年 11 月 11 日,自己大概还在西海岸的某个宿舍里。UCSB 在 Veterans Day 会放一天的假,然而自己却实在没有学习的心情。想约人出去玩耍,却发现周围几个关系还不错的同学全都组团去 LA 了。百无聊赖之下,忽然想起之前在知乎上看到的教程,于是便一时兴起,创建了这个博客。